Saturday, December 19, 2009

Avatar 3D IMAX and Luna Park

On Wednesday I went to a pre screening of Avatar in the IMAX in Sydney. The Sydney IMAX is the biggest in the world and the perfect place to watch a 3D movie like Avatar. The movie was 2:40 long and one of the most amazing pieces of technical film making I have seen in a long time! For a full review head over to my movie blog! Fatsheep's Movie Reviews.

As I have mentioned to some of you I have found a semi consistent job. I work in an amusement park in Sydney called Luna Park. So far I have guaranteed work until the end of January, with the possibility of working to March if I am on time and do a good job. Right now I am not sure how long I want to stay in Sydney, but it all depends on how much money I can save. Right now I am very low on cash, but the job should get me back up again.

I plan to take some pictures of the park and myself all dressed up in the Luna Park uniform. I will make a new post when I have done that :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Polish Christmas Festival

Last Sunday our Polish flatmate invited us (me and Matthias) to join him at the Polish Christmas Festival. It was a free event celebrating polish people and culture in Sydney. They had booths with different polish food, handcrafts and a bar with polish beers. There was also a stage where different polish musicians performed and danced with traditional cloths on.

Matthias tried polish sausage and I had dumplings. It was very tasty and different from the food we normally eat here in Australia. I normally meet very few polish people here in Australia, but this day it seemed as if everyone was gathered together, young and old.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Apartment

Sorry, its been a wile since my last post again. Times goes by so quickly it does not feel like 2 weeks. Anyways, as I wrote last time me and Matthias have moved into an apartment. It is located in the middle of the CBD of Sydney with a great view of the Darlinghurst Harbour. We live in the 17th floor. The elevators are crazy, they are so fast when you go down you can feel it in the ears like when you land with a plane.

We share the apartment with 6 other people. Three Brazilian girls and one Columbian girl, and a French and a Polish guy. They are all very nice. We have been here about a week now and love it already. The apartment is split into two floors. Upstairs are bedrooms and bathrooms, washing room and wardrobe. Downstairs is the living room, kitchen, balcony and a guest bathroom. We pay 150 dollars AUS every weeek, which translates into about 3.000 NOK a month, which I think is fairly cheap considering the location. We also have a swimming pool, sauna, spa and gym available every day free of use.

I have included some photos of the apartment, they are not the best but will have to do for now :)