Big Things

The big things of Australia are a set of large structures or sculptures and there are estimated to be over 150 such objects around the country. Most big things began as tourist traps found along major roads between destinations. The big things have become something of a cult phenomenon and people purposely travel to visited and take photos of them. Many of the big things are considered works of folk art and are being heritage-listed. Here is a list of the ones we visited while traveling Australia. Only the ones where I have a photo are included. (We saw others while traveling but didn't stop). For more information check out and

Big Banana 
Coffs Harbour, NSW

Big Galah
Kimba, SA

Big Kangaroo
Border Village, SA

Big Lobster
Kingston S.E., SA

Big Mango
Bowen, QLD

Big Pineapple
Nambour, QLD

Big Prawn
Ballina, NSW

Big Rum Bottle
Bundaberg, QLD

Big Whale
Eucla, WA

1 comment:

  1. I like the pineapple picture! such a cute couple, freshly in love ;)
    kiss annina
