After only a few hours in Sydney I realized the city is very different from what I had expected. There are very few tall buildings, although there are some, but the majority of the city has low buildings giving the impression that it is not that big. Sydney is big however, with over 5 million people living here. It is the biggest city in Australia.
I have been staying at a 5 star hostel, in a 4 dorm room, it has a high standard for being a hostel, but the price is of course reflected by that. I have made friends with most of the Norwegian's that traveled with me from Norway and they are all very nice people.
The first night we all went out to a pub/disco called "The Gaff". It was a very nice place with decent prices (5 dollar beers which is about 25NOK). I went to bed fairly early since my body had no clue what time is really was and I was very tired.
The next day I joined a few other Norwegian's on a walk trough Sydney to explore the city and go see the Opera house. It was a bit different than I expected, but non the less cool to watch, close to it is also the famous Sydney harbour bridge which we also checked out. A group of us went back to "The Gaff" including a local that was in my dorm room that had just got back from 3 month in France. He was a really nice guy, although a bit crazy. We didn't get back to the hostel until 5 AM, but I had a really great time!

I have never really experienced real Jetlag until now, and it is a weird feeling, I have been sleeping a lot at all times of day, for instance on Sunday, I slept at least 15 hours throughout the day and night. At times it also feels like my head is shrouded in a mist or something like that and at one point it felt as though I was on a boat, when I was really on firm ground. I have been told it takes up to a week to get over it.
There has been a lot going on these last few days, and it is impossible to write about everything here. However, on Monday we had a 4 hour presentation about Australia at the Work and Travel Company headquarters and we also got a lot of information about working, bank accounts, tax file numbers and health care. It is all slowly falling into place, but it will take some time before I am fully set up.
I have decided to travel with a group of 4 Norwegian's down to Melbourne for 5 days, and my next post will be about that. I hope you all are doing okay!
P.S. Australians swear a lot, it's pretty interesting to hear how they talk :P