Returning to Sydney was both a welcoming and new experience. It was nice to return to a place I knew my way around, to have the Work and Travel company's office close by and to see some old faces again (although some of those old faces where just people I had seen the first time here). However this time around I was staying in a new hostel, with a bit different standard than the YHA Central I slept in my first four night in Australia. The cool thing about Sydney is that whenever you pick a new hostel the place and it surroundings feels like a new city. It only took about 25 minutes to walk between the two, but it still felt like I was in a totally new place. Every time I walk into a new hostel I think to myself: How am I going to get to know this place! And every time I leave it is as if I am leaving my home.

As I posted on my facebook profile I was not feeling all that well when I arrived back, probably due to four days in cold water during the surf camp and the change in climate from Melbourne. The Defqon.1 festival did not help ether and the day after I had a bad cold. I had a runny nose and my throat was sore. Therefore the next days where pretty uneventful. I went to the store and bought food, sat in the park (Sydney has an amazing park that is very beautiful),looked at the cathedral located right next to the park and watched movies and TV in the common rooms at the hostel. It was nice to just relax and let my body heal. One day while sitting in the sofa I though about what things come to mind when I think about my first two weeks in Australia, and I though I'd share some of those thought with you.

There are two songs I heard the first two days in Australia while dancing and drinking at "The Gaff" nightclub. One of them is Black Eyed Peas: I Gotta Feeling (I am sure you have all heard it on the radio back home as well) and the other is Guy Sebastian: Like It Like That. Guy Sebastian is an Australian musician and I am not sure if he is popular in Europe or the States. Whenever I hear these songs it reminds me of my first days in Australia!

Being a backpacker and especially one that knows very little about cooking results in eating out. Since I am also on a budget I try to find cheap food and for some reason I always end up at a fast food place. Fast food is pretty cheap down here (but probably not very healthy). So far I have tried McDonald (which also has something called McCafé), Hungry Jack's (that's Burger King just with another name), Pizza Hut, KFC, Subway and Starbucks Coffee. As soon as I get a job and maybe an apartment I will try and make some real food, but the fast food will always remind me of my first weeks in Australia.

Australia is a place filled with different people from all over the world. So far I have met crazy drinking Australians and Englishmen, A couple of very nice people from New Zealand. A ton of Germans and some random Swedish, Dutch and Norwegian people. I have still to meet tons of more people but I will always remember those first ones; Michael, Nick, Tuan and all the others I can't remember the name of.
The 24. I am going up the east cost on a 10 day surf adventure and after that I am going to start looking for work. (Unless I am caught in a new adventure). I will look back on my first two weeks in Australia (Sydney and Melbourne) and think about the music, food and the people that started my adventure.
hey Audun, couldn't you name your pictures so we can know what they are?
ReplyDeleteAudun, my offer still stands - I know a guy ( my housemate's son) who lives in Sidney, is Roland's age and would be happy to be a local contact if you need one. I showed him your blog and told him about you. His name is Chris Carter. Just let me know if you need an anchor - other than the Work and Travel people.
Heisann Audun. Skriver her også i tilfelle du ikke får meldingen min på facebook.
ReplyDeleteHar en kusine som skal til Australia et par ukers tid etter jul og jeg foreslo at hun burde ta kontakt med deg når hun er der nede.
Har sendt deg en melding på Facebook med litt mer info ;)
Nils (han fyren fra RKU vettu)