Finally I have time to update my blog again. I know I said I would do it like a week ago, but time flies past to fast and I have had so much to do. Anyways, here is some news about me from Australia.

Its now a while ago, but I didn't find time to write about it before now. As the school summer vacation came to an end so did my time at Luna Park. Luna Park was a great place to work thanks to all the wonderful people working there. What I really liked was the combination of locals and backpackers, student and travelers. I got to know so many people from different cultures and countries. As a thank you for our help in the school holidays, the management put on a barbecue/party for all the employees. There was free food and drinks and the best party game ever! They had a big water tank filled with ice water, above the tank was a seat and next to it was a aiming board. If you hit the middle of the board, the seat was released and the person sitting there fell into the icy water. The best thing about this was that all our bosses were the people that had to sit on the seat, and all us normal employees could try and hit the board so they fell into the water. It has been a long while since I had that much fun! After the barbecue we went to a nightclub called Star Bar. I had a great night, but ended up a bit to drunk, as this picture shows :P (under the stairs at McDonalds + Tired)

Another thing me and a group of other rides workers did one of the last days at Luna Park was get our faces drawn by the parks cartoonist. He was once a normal worker like us, but his drawing talent was discovered and he got the job as a cartoonist instead. He told us that in the 2 years he had worked as the cartoonist we where the first people from the rides department (100+ employees) that got their face drawn. Anyways, his pictures made us all laugh and the resemblance on the pictures were fantastic. I have included the one he made of me. Its up to you readers to decide if you see the resemblance. :)

Moving on to about a week ago. We have been slowly planning our trip around the country and to do that we need a car. So after looking at some campervans on the internet we went out to have a real look at one. It turned out to be a piece of crap, but while walking back a group of 3 girls stopped us and asked if we were looking for a car. They had a 4x4 for sale and we soon realized that it would be the perfect match for us. They were Dutch and had traveled around the country with it just like we also want to do. The same day we took it out for a test drive and decided to buy it the very next day. The car is a Holden (known as Opel in the rest of the world) Jackaroo Deluxe 4x4. Hopefully it will get us safely and without trouble around Australia. Stay tuned for another update coming today about our first trip with the car!

After Luna Park I have had a few random jobs to keep the money supply from diminishing completely. I have waitered on the Captain Cook cruises, the biggest cruise company in Sydney that does daily lunch, dinner and sightseeing cruises of the Sydney harbour and surroundings. I have worked in the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Center serving drinks to 2800 dentists and I have packed TV's in plastic bags for 8 hours. There are so many ways to see Sydney and working is a great way to do so. There are also jobs I never even considered existed, like the TV packing job :P Thanks to all who read and comment on the blog! You are the reason I keep writing!
Dere kommer til å få det så gøy!! Musunner deg temmelig mye akkurat nå..! Håper du har det fint, vi savner deg : )
ReplyDeleteJa, nå nærmer det seg den store reisetiden skjønner jeg. The campervan sounds great! Hope you keep us updated on your trip.
ReplyDeleteIts not a campervan, its a 4x4. Big difference!